Canada East 4 Days
6.酒店房間不論雙人﹑三人 ﹑四人房均為同樣房間。房間一般配有一張雙人床或兩張單人/雙人床。三人 ﹑四人同房則不另加床。
7.所有2岁以下婴儿都必须占有巴士座位,故团费大人儿童(含婴儿)同价。18.如遇上特殊情況,如惡劣天氣, 交通事故等,本公司保留更改或取消行程權利,團友不得異議。
1. Minimum of 20 passengers is required for guaranteed departure. Nexus Holidays reserves the right to cancel the tour within 5 days prior to departure with full refund value of the package price booked.
2. Please make sure your travel documents and visa are valid. Generally, the passport needs to be valid for at least six months on the return date. No refund will be made for passport or visa issues.
3. Guests participating in the group alone must be legal adults. If minor guests are not traveling with their legal guardians, the written consent should be provided from the legal guardian.
4. Nexus Holidays reserves the right to switch hotels and change the itinerary for smooth operation. For hotel information, please consult our reservation staff.
5. Nexus Holidays reserves the right to adjust the travel itinerary, restaurant, cuisine arrangement, hotel due to factors such as seasons, number of people, etc. No partial refund on any unused services.
6. Triple and Quad room only provide two beds or one big bed and no extra beds will be added. Please let us know if any special requirements to room type.
7. Infant under the age of 2 must occupy a bus seat, so the tour fare is the same for adults and children (including infant).
8. One luggage per person. Extra luggage surcharge $35 each luggage.
9. Pick-up location: Please confirm the pick-up location (Markham Hilton Hotel or Markham Marriot Hotel) at the time of registration or within 1 month before departure. Group members need to arrive at the scheduled location 15 minutes before the scheduled departure time to board the bus.
10. Travellers must provide a mobile phone to be connected with tour guide. If the phone provided is wrong, any additional expenses incurred shall be borne by the guests themselves.
11. For the sake of fairness, the tour guide will be responsible for the arrangement of the seats of the tour bus every day, and the guests need to be seated according to the arrangement. The first three rows of seats can be reserved for a fee: CAD$15/day/person (CAD$60/person for four days)
12. Tour fare exclude: meals, admissions, gratuities ($15 per day/person,same applied to adult and child), and all personal expenses.
13. Compulsory admission package price is based on November 2020. Package price will subject to change if attraction admissions change later.
14. Attraction admission tickets bought through other sellers (e.g. City Pass) are not applicable to the tours.
15. If travellers do not show up at pre-arranged location and time, the whole trip will be cancelled with no refund.
16. The company, the driver, and the tour guide are not responsible for theft in any situation and any place, resulting in the loss of money and
objects. Any property, documents and other members of the group should and are responsible for their own custody.
17. Travel and Medical insurance is strongly recommended. Please consult our reservation staff.
18. Itineraries are subject to change or cancellation at any time due to any unforeseen conditions, including but not limited to, adverse weather, traffic problem, etc.
晨曦初露,出發前往千島湖風景區,感受加拿大三大自然奇景之“千島湖”風情,並(自費)乘坐 “千島觀光船”(約1小時) <根據天氣條件參觀時間可能調整>,欣賞世界著名之群島特有風光,心型島億萬富豪古堡、世界最短國際橋,嶽母島等等。接著再到加國故都京士頓市,該市精巧別致,極 具千島風情,新舊建築群相互交錯,別具特色, 國會大樓,最古老東西橫貫火車頭、英美爭奪的軍事城堡及炮臺、加拿大唯壹皇家軍事學院,加國經常名列前茅之皇後大學,及聯邦政府屬下的男女監獄,十八世紀之英式絞刑臺,加拿大第壹任總理麥當勞故居等。而後抵達渥太華,遊覽雕刻藝術登峰之國會山莊,風光秀麗之渥太華河,莊嚴聳立的陣亡將士紀念碑、氣派雄偉的和平鐘塔,雅典別致的名人使館村及政治權力焦點的總理府,令人思古幽情油然而生的麗都大運河。
Day 2 渥太華-蒙特利爾
Day 3 蒙特利爾-魁北克城-蒙特利爾
早上前往古意瑰麗的諾特丹大教堂,濃郁的舊城區,莊嚴的市政府 大樓,您可體會到法國文化在這裏根深蒂固的影響。其後前往加拿大最古老的魁北克城,在這充滿濃郁歐陸色彩的魁北克古城,歷史遺跡處處可見:北美唯壹保存最完整的古城墻,雍容華貴的古堡大酒店,清秀脫俗的老教堂,氣勢宏偉的魁北克省議會大廈,備受遊客歡迎的仿古馬車及街邊藝術家等都令您忍不住拍照留念,留下倩影。城內充滿著濃厚的歐陸色彩: 古炮臺、馬拉車,古城墻,廣場銅像,藝術畫廊,大膽的賣藝人表 演雜耍 ,宮廷式街燈、色彩艷麗的法式建築物...等等,構成壹幅幅美麗的圖畫。置身其歐洲 購物街或法式餐廳,享用自費法國大餐及紅酒的同時,定能讓您充份享受這"小巴黎"的浪漫情 懷!而後前往楓葉糖漿農場參觀。 返回蒙特利爾市,晚餐後回酒店休息。
Day 4: 蒙特利爾 - 綠茵小鎮 - 多倫多
早餐後,登上皇家山,俯瞰蒙特利爾市區,前往參觀全北美最大最著名教堂之壹「聖約瑟大教堂」莊嚴肅穆,宏偉壯麗。繼後 從蒙特利爾出發,前往 Upper Canada Village, 中文“綠茵小鎮”。它保持了十八世紀維多利亞時代的民風民俗。這是壹個綠蔭環繞的小村莊。這裏有原始的建築和古老的手工作坊,如以水為動力的木材加工廠、以蒸汽為動力的磨坊、面包房、紡紗織布機、鐵匠鋪、鞋匠 鋪等等。 參觀著名大蘋果,每天不停生產美味蘋果批。約黃昏時分返抵多倫多。
Day 1: Toronto - Thousand Islands - Kingston - Ottawa
Depart from Toronto in the morning. Following a short drive along the north shore of Lake Ontario, will arrive at the Thousand Islands region.On board of the breathtaking scenic cruise (seasonal) to see the Heart Island, Bolt Castle, the Shortest International Bridge and more. Visit Kingston, a beautiful waterfront city with a rich history. Drive through the town to see Kingston City Hall, the home of Sir John A. Macdonald, Canada’s first Prime Minister, and Queen’s University. The fascinating tour of Ottawa will include the home of Canadian Prime Minister, Rideau Hall, Royal Mint and so much more. Stopover at the Parliament Hill of Canada, this iconic building and experience the Changing of the Guard Ceremony (Seasonal).
Day 2: Ottawa – Montreal
This morning visits two major national museums, the Museum of History and War Museum. Then head to the cosmopolitan city of Montreal. Visit Biodome in the 1976 Montreal Olympic village. Take the cable car to the top of Montreal Tower(fees apply), the tallest inclined tower in the world.
Day 3: Montreal - Quebec City - Maple Syrup Farm - Montreal
This morning visit Notre-Dame Basilica-Montreal's oldest Catholic church, built in 1656, is known for its intricately designed interior, which includes stained glass chronicling the history of the city. Then head to Quebec City. The walled city of Quebec is the highlight of the tour. Following a walking tour in this world class historical site, enjoy a delicious set lunch in a romantic French style restaurant, next to the iconic Chateau Frontenac hotel. Head to Maple Syrup Farm in later
afternoon, back to Montreal and have a rest.
Day 4: Montreal – Upper Canada Village - Toronto
This morning visit the largest church in Canada, the Saint Joseph Oratory on Mont Royal. Then head to Upper Canada Village. Touring Upper Canada Village is a magical experience, transporting you back in time to the 1860s. Featured are over forty historical buildings, many moved here prior to flooding of the “Lost Villages” during the St. Lawrence Seaway development project. These include homes, functioning mills and trades workshops. Then visit the Big Apple,the home of our delicious pies, breads, and other apple-inspired goodies. Then transfer back to Toronto after that.
*The price is calculated based on a bus with 50 people per vehicle. If due to the epidemic or other force majeure, the number of people per vehicle needs to be adjusted, then the
price will be readjusted based on the pax per vehicle.
出发日期 | 价格(双人房)加币 P,P | |||
返回日期 | Double Room | Triple Room | ||
2021/10/04 | 2021/10/07 | 439 | 339 | |
2021/10/11 | 2021/10/15 | 439 | 339 | |
单人差价 | + 300 |
成人Adult $125 /儿童Child (12-)$73
Includes: Thousand Island Lake Cruise, St. Joseph's Cathedral, Montreal
Tower, Montreal Botanical Garden, National Military Museum, National
Museum of History and Civilization.
*The entrance price is for reference only and will be adjusted according to the 2021 price