Niagara Falls 1 Day
6.酒店房間不論雙人﹑三人 ﹑四人房均為同樣房間。房間一般配有一張雙人床或兩張單人/雙人床。三人 ﹑四人同房則不另加床。
7.所有2岁以下婴儿都必须占有巴士座位,故团费大人儿童(含婴儿)同价。18.如遇上特殊情況,如惡劣天氣, 交通事故等,本公司保留更改或取消行程權利,團友不得異議。
1. Minimum of 20 passengers is required for guaranteed departure. Nexus Holidays reserves the right to cancel the tour within 5 days prior to departure with full refund value of the package price booked.
2. Please make sure your travel documents and visa are valid. Generally, the passport needs to be valid for at least six months on the return date. No refund will be made for passport or visa issues.
3. Guests participating in the group alone must be legal adults. If minor guests are not traveling with their legal guardians, the written consent should be provided from the legal guardian.
4. Nexus Holidays reserves the right to switch hotels and change the itinerary for smooth operation. For hotel information, please consult our reservation staff.
5. Nexus Holidays reserves the right to adjust the travel itinerary, restaurant, cuisine arrangement, hotel due to factors such as seasons, number of people, etc. No partial refund on any unused services.
6. Triple and Quad room only provide two beds or one big bed and no extra beds will be added. Please let us know if any special requirements to room type.
7. Infant under the age of 2 must occupy a bus seat, so the tour fare is the same for adults and children (including infant).
8. One luggage per person. Extra luggage surcharge $35 each luggage.
9. Pick-up location: Please confirm the pick-up location (Markham Hilton Hotel or Markham Marriot Hotel) at the time of registration or within 1 month before departure. Group members need to arrive at the scheduled location 15 minutes before the scheduled departure time to board the bus.
10. Travellers must provide a mobile phone to be connected with tour guide. If the phone provided is wrong, any additional expenses incurred shall be borne by the guests themselves.
11. For the sake of fairness, the tour guide will be responsible for the arrangement of the seats of the tour bus every day, and the guests need to be seated according to the arrangement. The first three rows of seats can be reserved for a fee: CAD$15/day/person
12. Tour fare exclude: meals, admissions, gratuities ($15 per day/person, same applied to adult and child), and all personal expenses.
13. Compulsory admission package price is based on November 2020. Package price will subject to change if attraction admissions change later.
14. Attraction admission tickets bought through other sellers (e.g. City Pass) are not applicable to the tours.
15. If travellers do not show up at pre-arranged location and time, the whole trip will be cancelled with no refund.
16. The company, the driver, and the tour guide are not responsible for theft in any situation and any place, resulting in the loss of money and
objects. Any property, documents and other members of the group should and are responsible for their own custody.
17. Travel and Medical insurance is strongly recommended. Please consult our reservation staff.
18. Itineraries are subject to change or cancellation at any time due to any unforeseen conditions, including but not limited to, adverse weather, traffic problem, etc.
清晨出發,途徑多倫多市中心區,前往舉世聞名的尼亞加拉大瀑布。首先欣賞IMAX 瀑布歷史大電影,了解神奇,神秘,神話般的尼亞加拉瀑布與歷史上許多著名的令人震撼和激動不已的事蹟。其後登上天虹塔,360度觀景台鳥瞰瀑布迷人的景色及觀賞宏偉壯觀的美國瀑布,新娘面紗瀑布和加拿大馬蹄型瀑布。中午自費享用中式午餐後乘搭世界聞名“吹號手”瀑佈景觀船(*季節性行程) ,近距離觀賞氣勢磅礴的瀑布從高空奔騰而瀉,洶湧澎湃,如雷的水聲震耳欲聾,令人嘆為觀止。其後前往參觀世界聞名尼亞加拉瀑布葡萄園區,及免費品嚐加拿大特產冰酒。尼亞加拉區獨特的地理位置及氣候環境培育出的冰葡萄,釀出的酒更獨特,更醇香。其品種主要有冰白葡萄酒和冰紅葡萄酒。其中冰白葡萄酒
Day 1: Hotel - Toronto
Departing early morning to the world renowned Niagara Falls via Downtown Toronto. Upon arrival, begin your Falls experience with an IMAX movie - Niagara: Miracles, Myths & Magic, to learn about the shocking and exiting history of Niagara Falls. You will then go up the Skylon Tower for a panoramic view of the magnificent Horseshoe Falls, the American Falls and the Bridal Veil Falls. After lunch, ride with the famous Horn blower cruise (*seasonal) for a close-up view of the magnificent Falls. Pay a visit to the Niagara wine region for a taste test of our world famous icewine before heading back to Toronto.
*The price is calculated based on a regular bus seating. If due to the epidemic or other force majeure, the number of people per vehicle needs to be adjusted, then the
price will be readjusted based on the pax per vehicle.
出发日期 | Price Based on CAD;per person | |||
返回日期 | Adult | Child | ||
2021/10/02 | 2021/10/01 | 59 | 59 | |
2021/10/07 | 2021/10/07 | 59 | 59 | |
2021/10/10 | 2021/10/10 | 59 | 59 | |
2021/10/15 | 2021/10/15 | 59 | 59 | |
单人差价 | + 0 |