TripOppo offers flexible booking terms to ensure our valued customer to have a worry-free booking experience.
You could hold the space of your dream trip without a deposit for 5 days. (Excludes TravelZoo Deals.)
You are allowed to change departure date and/or destination free of charge once, anytime before the required final payment date (3 months prior to departure date). Or simply convert your deposit to future travel credit for one year validity from the original booked departure date.*
Free change only allowed one time and only apply to land tours. Further tour or date changes are subject to our general terms and conditions.
*Due to limited availability on each departure date, Peru Tours are not eligible for our flexible booking policy.
This policy does not apply to air ticket and river/sea cruise products. Travelers are responsible for any airline change or cancellation fees subject to airline/cruise line policies. Please ask your TripOppo agent for details. This policy does not entitle the traveler to a full refund. No refunds will be provided in respect to any visas, travel insurance, or vaccines, which are solely the responsibility of the traveler.
Click here for general terms and conditions.
Why book with us
If you cancel your
trip before final payment, you can transfer your deposit to another
available trip or hold your deposit on file for one year.
change fees
Let us
know about your change in plans before your final payment and there will
be no change fees.
Book online using our
secure payment system
We are an accredited
member of TICO, CLIA and ASTA, so your booking is protected by their
conditions of membership.
your place
You can place your trip
on hold for up to five days, without paying a deposit.